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Category : Property

Fitness for Human Habitation - New Rights for Tenants

The Government is committed to improving standards for tenants in the private and social rented sectors. It is therefore supporting a Private Members’ Bill tabled by Karen Buck, a Labour MP: the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation and Liability for Housing Standards) Bill. (visit the Parliament website here to track the Bill’s p ... Continue reading

HMO Reforms Update

Last month we wrote about the Government’s proposed HMO reforms. An Order has now been made extending the scope of mandatory licensing by removing the “three or more storeys” requirement. Landlords have until 1 October 2018 to apply for a licence for properties not previously subject to mandatory licensing. There will be no grac ... Continue reading

HMO Reforms Expected in 2018

The Government has indicated that new rules relating to houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) will be brought into force in October 2018. The key reform is the extension of mandatory licensing of HMOs. There are also new provisions regarding minimum room sizes.What is a HMO?In simple terms, a house or flat is a HMO if it is occup ... Continue reading

Banning Orders for Residential Landlords and Agents from April 2018

Back in April we wrote about the introduction of new measures to tackle “rogue landlords”. Rent repayment orders and financial penalties have already been introduced. From April 2018, the government intends to bring in banning orders for landlords and agents who have been convicted of certain “banning order offences”.What are th ... Continue reading

Ban on Letting Agents' Fees - Update

A draft Tenants Fees Bill has now been published. As expected, the Bill bans landlords and letting agents from requiring tenants to make any payments as a condition of their tenancy, with certain exceptions.The Bill applies to assured shorthold tenancies and licences but not to other types of letting such as compa ... Continue reading

Short-Term “Airbnb-style” Lettings

Are you considering entering the short-term lettings market? It can be a fantastic source of income for property owners but there are downsides and risks. Here we look at the pros and cons and highlight some issues property owners need to consider before taking the plunge.The Growth of the Short-Term Lettings Mark ... Continue reading

Government Plans to Introduce Ban on Letting Agents' Fees

The government intends to introduce a Tenants’ Fees Bill before the end of the year. The Bill will ban landlords and letting agents from requiring tenants to make any payments as a condition of their tenancy, with the exception of:– Rent;– A capped refundable security deposit (currently proposed to be no more than one month’s re ... Continue reading

Residential Landlords: Comply with Housing Law or Face Tough New Penalties!

On 6 April 2017, parts of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 came into force affecting residential landlords in England (but not in Wales). Further parts of the Act are expected to take effect in October 2017.The recent and forthcoming changes target so-called “rogue landlords”. Landlords who do not comply with their obligations ... Continue reading

What Do Landlords Think About Right To Rent?

According to a recent article in The Guardian, seven in 10 landlords do not understand their obligations under the controversial new ‘right to rent’ rules. Effective as of this February, the new right to rent laws mean that the onus to check tenants’ right to live in England is now placed firmly in the hands of landlords. Announ ... Continue reading

10 Essential Tips for HMO Landlords

 Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)can be an excellent source of income for the buy-to-let landlord. HMOs tend to yield a higher rent than a home let to a single household. However, owners of HMOs have a heavier management burden and must comply with more legal requirements than other residential landlords.If you are the ... Continue reading

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