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Updated 'Fitness for Human Habitation' Standard - Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018

The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 (‘the Act’) comes into force on 20 March 2019.The Act introduces a new implied covenant in tenancy agreements (whether written in the agreement or not) that social housing landlords, private residential landlords, and agents acting on their behalf, must ensure that the property i ... Continue reading

Brexit Notes: What Will a No-Deal Brexit Mean for Your Commercial Contracts?

No-Deal BrexitAs at the time of writing, the UK is due to leave the European Union on 29 March 2019 (as a result of having served a formal notice under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union to terminate its membership of the EU), but whether this will be delayed or will take place in a ‘no-deal’ scenario it is still not cle ... Continue reading

Brexit Notes: What will a No-Deal Brexit Mean for the Property and Real Estate Sector?

In answering this question, this post – the latest in our series of ‘no-deal’ Brexit Notes – will consider the impact of a no-deal departure from the EU on the legislative framework governing property ownership and transactions, as well as taking a brief look at the commercial impact on the property market.Impact on the Legislat ... Continue reading

Brexit Notes: No-Deal & Company Law

The UK is scheduled to leave the European Union on 29 March 2019 by virtue of having served a formal notice under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union to terminate its membership of the EU.At the time of writing, it is still not clear whether this departure will be delayed, accompanied by a ‘deal’ smoothing the exit throug ... Continue reading

Changes to SDLT Filing and Payment Time Limits

Stamp Duty Land Tax (“SDLT”) is a tax on land transactions payable on the purchase of land or property (including leases) over a certain price in England.The time limit for filing an SDLT return with HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) and paying any tax due to HMRC is being reduced from 30 days to 14 days for those property transac ... Continue reading

Key Points on the Government's Good Work Plan

At the end of 2018, the Government published details of its Good Work Plan, setting out its plans to introduce a number of reforms designed to improve protection for agency workers, zero hours workers, and others with atypical working arrangements.The Good Work Plan is the Government’s considered response to Matthew Taylor’s rep ... Continue reading

Brexit Notes: No-Deal & Consumer Rights

As 2019 dawned, there was hope in some quarters that a renewed commitment to common sense might have dawned with it and that our intrepid politicians might return to work determined to agree upon a way forward for Brexit. It is quite clear, not least in light of the House of Commons’ rejection of the Government’s Brexit deal on ... Continue reading

Fire Safety - Changes to Statutory Guidance - Approved Document B of the Building Regulations

Approved Documents are statutory guidance published by the Government on how to meet the Building Regulations for building work carried out in England only.The Government has published changes to Approved Document B (Volumes 1 and 2) of the Building Regulations, which deals with fire safety. These changes come into force on 21 J ... Continue reading

Call for Evidence on Improving Building Safety

The Government has published a Call for Evidence – ‘Good practice on how residents and landlords/ building managers work together to keep their home and building safe’. Landlords, building managers, and residents are all encouraged to respond.This Call for Evidence invites views on how residents and landlords/building managers w ... Continue reading

Elective and Cosmetic Surgery and Your Employment Policies

In November, we updated our Sickness and Absence Policy to include a section on elective and cosmetic surgery.For these purposes, cosmetic surgery may be defined as surgery which is intended to improve a person’s appearance rather than their health. Elective surgery, on the other hand, refers to any surgery that is scheduled in ... Continue reading

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