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All the employment documents you need

Taking on new staff members can be an exciting process. After all, getting more personnel on board can help to reinvigorate your enterprise and it also indicates that your firm is doing well.However, as with virtually all aspects of business, there are complications. To help ensure that the rights of both workers and employers a ... Continue reading

The important role of health and safety documents

Of course, the primary goal of any business is making money, so this is likely to be one of your top priorities. However, there are also other issues that you can’t afford to ignore. For example, you have an obligation to protect the wellbeing of your workers.These days, there are stringent laws in place governing this issue and ... Continue reading

5 Reasons Why UK Start-Ups Fail

The current coalition government set aside £112 million to support the Start-Up Loans initiative. It was hoped the fund would enable budding young entrepreneurs to access start-up capital more easily, leading to growth in the number of start-ups quite literally starting up in our economy. The scheme also puts young entrepreneurs ... Continue reading

5 Productivity Tips for the Self Employed

Working from home may be the Holy Grail of working life for many, but those who live it as a reality can profess to the curses of procrastination, mixing business with pleasure (i.e. washing the dishes whilst trying to make a work phone call!) and never quite feeling like you’re not in work mode.Developing an effective working e ... Continue reading

5 Tips for a Productive Small Office Environment

The UK enjoys a super reputation for start-ups and small business. Initiatives like the current coalition government’s £112 million Start-Up Loans Scheme have helped make Britain an attractive breeding ground for home-grown small businesses.As your business grows out of the home office and into something like a rented space with ... Continue reading

Why it is Vital to Have Well Designed Job Application Forms

Like most other employers these days, you may well rely on employment application forms to gather consistent information about prospective employees. Indeed, job application forms (unlike CVs and cover letters) enable you to receive information in a truly uniform format and compare applicant credentials efficiently and impartial ... Continue reading

Compiling a Health and Safety Policy for your Company

If your company employs five or more people then you are required by law under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to have a written health & safety policy. This document contains your statement of general policy on health and safety at work as well as the organisation and arrangements you have in place for putting that p ... Continue reading

The Importance of Having Suitably Comprehensive Employment Contracts

If you run your own small business then you will (hopefully) know that you are obliged to provide all of your employees with a ‘statement of terms’ (i.e. a contract) within two months of their start date. Like many other small business owners however, you may not have an overly extensive knowledge of how to go about sorting cont ... Continue reading

Setting up a Limited Company

If you are thinking of setting up your own private limited company, chances are more than one person will have asked you this one simple question – why? After all, setting up a limited company will involve more administration and cost you more money than being a humble sole trader.Well, whilst this may be true to some extent, it ... Continue reading

How to Tackle Workplace Absenteeism

In 2011, a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that 1 in 3 workers in the UK had admitted to taking a so-called ‘sickie’.For anyone who doesn’t know (or pleads ignorance), a ‘sickie’ is a fabricated excuse which an employee makes for not going into work. In general, these excuses involve reeling off a line of symptoms whilst ... Continue reading

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