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Troublesome Tenants

Troublesome Tenants: What can Landlords Do?Sometimes even the most careful Landlord will encounter a “Problem Tenant”. If this happens, the Landlord needs to take prompt action. Leaving an issue unresolved will usually only make matters worse. For the purposes of this post, we are looking at a short-term letting of residential p ... Continue reading

CDM Regulations Changes in 2015: What Do They Mean for You?

The new Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM) are expected to come into force from 6th April 2015.  Previously, if you were a domestic client having building work done, this would have little impact on you, as you would probably expect the builder to take responsibility for health and safety on the proje ... Continue reading

Landlords Beware: Law on Residential Tenancy Deposits May Affect You

Are you aware that, following a Court ruling in December 2014, Residential Tenancy Deposits must be protected in an approved Tenancy Deposit Scheme even if they were received before the Tenancy Deposit legislation came into force in April 2007? Landlords will be unable to serve a valid Section 21 Notice to obtain possession of a ... Continue reading

Housing Health & Safety Rating System (HHSRS)

The Housing Health & Safety Rating System (HHSRS) applies to residential properties in England and Wales. Under the HHSRS, local authorities must identify “hazards” affecting properties in their area and take enforcement action as necessary. The HHSRS has been in place since 2006 but a government survey of private landlords ... Continue reading

Shared Parental Leave

The new Shared Parental Leave system is now up and running.  Although it will only apply in respect of babies due on or after 5 April 2015 or due to be adopted on or after 5 April 2015 it represents a big change in the way that people are able to care for their children in the first year, and will take some getting used to. ... Continue reading

New Rules Are in Force For The Labelling Of Allergens in Food and Drink

What is the new legislation?It’s possible that you may have missed the recent new law on allergen labelling for food and drink products sold to consumers. From 13th December 2014 strict new rules apply to how businesses must notify consumers about food and drink products containing allergens. The Regulations include a list of 14 ... Continue reading

Iain Mackintosh

  Current:Founder and MD of Simply-4-Business Ltd, t/a Simply-docs.co.ukExperience:20 years experience in the financial sector structuring and negotiating transactions, and 15 years in online legal document publishing Area of Expertise:Business, Employment and Company Law, and Online MarketingEducation:L ... Continue reading

How To Perform Effective Health and Safety Management In Five Easy Steps

According to the Health and Safety Executive, 27 million working days were lost last year in the UK through illness or injury caused by an event at their workplace.In this context, it’s easy to argue that effective Health and Safety Management is at the core of workplace productivity. Not only that, but if you are a business own ... Continue reading

More Red Tape or Less? Are you ready for the Small Business, Enterprise & Employment Bill?

Changes to company law and corporate administration are due at the end of the year as part of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill (the Bill). The intention of the Bill is to help small and medium sized businesses compete and grow. By promoting accountability and transparency it is hoped that further investment wil ... Continue reading

Does Flexible Working benefit your business?

At Simply-docs we are great fans of flexible working. Core to our business is our Content Team, who draft and update our document portfolio and related information. Our flexible working patterns combine part-time work and homeworking, allowing for the employees’ home locations, their childcare needs and their other interests. Th ... Continue reading

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