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New Gift Aid Declaration Forms

Gift AidHMRC has recently introduced new model wording to be used in Gift Aid Declaration forms from September 2015 onwards. This replaces the previous model wording which may no longer be used after 5 April 2016. The three model forms cover (i) one-off donations; (ii) multiple donations; and (iii) sponsored events. The forms ar ... Continue reading

Fit for Work Opens for Business

As of 8 September 2015, employers in England and Wales are able to refer employees to the new Fit for Work occupational health assessment referral service. This is a new Government service that offers a free voluntary occupational health assessment for employees who are off work through illness or injury for at least four weeks. ... Continue reading

European Court Rules Mobile Workers Travel Time Counts as Work

Last week, a European Court of Justice (ECJ) decision found that, for workers with no usual place of work, time spent travelling to appointments from home should form part of a worker’s working day. The ruling came about because of an ongoing legal case in Spain involving a company called Tyco, which installs security systems.At ... Continue reading

Everything You Need To Know About The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015

This blog looks at what the new Act is, its implementation into law, key changes and what you should be doing now to prepare for some of the more significant changes due to take place.What is the new Act?The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 received Royal Assent in the last days of the previous parliament. The ... Continue reading

Residential Landlords Watch Out – Section 21 Notices Just Got More Difficult!

On 1 October 2015, significant changes were made to housing law in England (properties in Wales are not affected). The changes which are set out in the Deregulation Act 2015 increase the level of protection afforded to tenants, while placing extra burden on landlords.Buy-to-let investors are still coming to terms with the budget ... Continue reading

Government Bans Exclusivity Clauses In Zero Hour Contracts

What are zero hour contracts?The exploitation of workers through the use of zero hour contracts was a hot topic in the General Election and it’s easy to see why.  Zero hour contracts are contracts that do not guarantee a minimum number of hours’ employment and, as of August 2014, a staggering 1.8 million workers were employ ... Continue reading

How to Ensure Your Estate Agency Business Complies with Consumer Protection Legislation

A range of consumer protection laws apply to estate agents, lettings agents and property managers. In this blog post we look at the laws that apply and the steps agents and managers can take to ensure compliance.What are the relevant consumer protection laws?The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 prohibit b ... Continue reading

Increased Rights For Employees Adopting Children from April 2015

New shared parental leave and pay rights apply to the parents of babies due, or children matched for adoption, on or after 5 April 2015.  As of that date, eligible parents of children due to be born or adopted on or after this date, are entitled to a maximum of 52 weeks’ leave and 39 weeks’ statutory pay upon the birth or a ... Continue reading

Builders And Clients: Are You Prepared For CDM Regulations 2015?

The new Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015 are now in force. Statistically there are more injuries and fatalities on smaller, previously unregulated building projects than on larger ones. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has decided to address this issue by requiring all projects to have someone ... Continue reading

Changes to Permitted Development Rights for Commercial Property

On 15 April The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England) Order 2015 came into force, introducing new permitted development rights. The changes are designed to promote growth in the economy by allowing land and buildings to be put to the most appropriate use. What are the new permitted developm ... Continue reading

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