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10 Essential Tips for Starting Your Own Retail Business

Is opening a shop your dream? Do you long for the day you’ll have your own business and meet new customers every day? Be prepared for long hours and months of careful preparation before you can get your store up and running. Once you’re established, though, it’ll be a rewarding enterprise.Here are our top 10 tips for those start ... Continue reading

Has Health & Safety Gone Mad?

When you work for a company or run your own business, you have to adhere to a long list of rules and regulations in the name of health and safety.In the right hands, such rules are crucial for preventing accident or injury in the workplace. In the wrong hands, however, many view safety legislation as a tool that is used by bosse ... Continue reading

What Do Landlords Think About Right To Rent?

According to a recent article in The Guardian, seven in 10 landlords do not understand their obligations under the controversial new ‘right to rent’ rules. Effective as of this February, the new right to rent laws mean that the onus to check tenants’ right to live in England is now placed firmly in the hands of landlords. Announ ... Continue reading

When Will the Gender Pay Gap Close?

Technological innovation, accumulation of capital, and productivity are three of the most important factors that determine a country’s long-term economic growth. What underpins all of these, though, is the contribution made by people in the collective form of the labour force.But what if half of this workforce were not being uti ... Continue reading

10 Essential Tips for HMO Landlords

 Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)can be an excellent source of income for the buy-to-let landlord. HMOs tend to yield a higher rent than a home let to a single household. However, owners of HMOs have a heavier management burden and must comply with more legal requirements than other residential landlords.If you are the ... Continue reading

Consultation on Tips and Gratuities

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published a consultation document in respect of tips and gratuities responding to a call for evidence, which ran from 1 September 2015 to 10 November 2015.Why is a consultation taking place? Since 1 October 2009, employers have been prohibited from using tips, gra ... Continue reading

Landlords, are you ready for the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)?

From 1 April 2018 it will be unlawful for landlords in England and Wales to grant a new lease or tenancy agreement of a commercial or residential property with an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of F or G. There are some exceptions – which we mention below – but for the most part landlords will need to ensure that th ... Continue reading

People With Significant Control Registers – a new era in corporate transparency?

Private companies have traditionally been the weak link in corporate transparency but as of 6th April, 2016, this is all about to change. Publicly listed companies are subject to a much more stringent disclosure regime and for many companies, even larger ones, the lack of disclosure around who owns or controls a private company ... Continue reading

Business Lessons From Abroad: What Can We Learn?

A recent study by HR Magazine has found that UK employees have some of the lowest levels of engagement with their work in the world. But, with business cultures differing from country to country, are there any lessons from abroad that we can learn to make our companies more efficient and profitable?With that that thought in mind ... Continue reading

10 Essential Tips for Starting Your Own Restaurant

Many people dream of opening up their own restaurants, but very few are brave enough to take the plunge. That’s not surprising – any restauranteur will tell you that starting a restaurant isn’t easy. And, while the oft-quoted statistic that 90% of restaurants fail in their first year is not actually true, it is a fact that openi ... Continue reading

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