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10 Tips That Will Help Improve Your Customer Data Protection

In the wake of the UK’s Brexit vote this year, it remains to be seen how the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), slated to come into effect in 2018, will impact on British businesses in the long run. Businesses have until 25 May 2018 to prepare for GDPR, which sets out uniform rules for data protection rights across th ... Continue reading

Could Becoming a Freelancer Be the Correct Career Choice for You?

The freedom to pick and choose how, when and where you work are some of the big advantages of becoming a freelancer, and it can be tempting to jump right into the world of self-employment for these very reasons.However, if you’re not fully prepared for the implications of freelancing, you could be surprised by many of the challe ... Continue reading

Should You Run a Charity Like a Business?

To remain financially stable in today’s competitive climate, a charity needs to run its operations with business-like standards.Just like a business, many not-for-profit organisations have a board of directors, executives, human resources personnel and a marketing department. So why run a charity differently from a business just ... Continue reading

10 Intellectual Property Protection Tips for Your Start-Up

Intellectual property (IP) can cover a variety of elements, from patents and registered designs to any content you write for your business. It is crucial to the success of your company that you protect your IP, as this can be as important as the products or service you sell – sometimes more so.If your business is based on your I ... Continue reading

How Much Money Could Effective Waste Management and Recycling Save Your Business?

In April 2016, landfill tax reached £84.40 per tonne. Apart from the direct cost, complying with the wide array of environmental regulations makes dealing with commercial waste even more expensive. So learning how to use your resources more efficiently and reducing waste is something that can help save your business a significan ... Continue reading

Self-regulation of charity fundraising: will it work?

Whilst the public supports UK charities with generous donations to help them provide a huge benefit to the community, many charities – some of them household names – have increasingly maximised their fundraising using methods which the public find unacceptable. It appears from the way that some charities act that they consider t ... Continue reading

6 Tell-Tale Signs Your Business Needs to Expand

Most successful entrepreneurs reach a point at which they need to consider expanding their business. This could mean taking on extra staff, updating equipment, bringing in new technology, or moving to larger premises.However, there is always a balance to be struck between keeping a tight rein on finances and making the necessary ... Continue reading

Could Flexible Working Hours Make Your Business More Profitable?

Flexible working is an increasingly popular trend, fuelled by changing social dynamics and the ability for many professionals to carry out their work from virtually any location with a Wi-Fi signal. It refers both to flexible patterns of work as well as to the choice of working remotely from home or elsewhere.Flexible working is ... Continue reading

10 Essential Tips for Starting Your Own Retail Business

Is opening a shop your dream? Do you long for the day you’ll have your own business and meet new customers every day? Be prepared for long hours and months of careful preparation before you can get your store up and running. Once you’re established, though, it’ll be a rewarding enterprise.Here are our top 10 tips for those start ... Continue reading

Has Health & Safety Gone Mad?

When you work for a company or run your own business, you have to adhere to a long list of rules and regulations in the name of health and safety.In the right hands, such rules are crucial for preventing accident or injury in the workplace. In the wrong hands, however, many view safety legislation as a tool that is used by bosse ... Continue reading

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