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Charities and Loss of Personal Data

One of the major risks faced by UK charities is loss of data. “Loss” includes wrongful transfer, disclosure, corruption, or deletion of data, or wrongful access to data. Charities often hold large amounts of personal data, some of which is particularly sensitive. It may relate to donors or supporters, beneficiaries or service us ... Continue reading

Charity Fundraising and Data Protection

Damage to a charity’s reputation often diminishes the level of trust in the charity on the part of its donors and supporters, leading to a decline in funding. Reputation of a charity is a key influencing factor in a prospective donor’s decision to donate to that charity. Damage to ReputationReputational damage can arise fro ... Continue reading

Small Charity Funding: Is The Decline Reversible?

There are five major risks to the wellbeing (or even the existence) of small charities in the UK: decline in funding and donations, damage to reputation, inadequate insurance cover, loss of data, and fraud.FundingIn this post, we are focusing on funding. Many small charities are in crisis due to lack of adequate income. On avera ... Continue reading

Personal Liability of Charity Trustees

The House of Lords Select Committee noted in its recent Report “Stronger Charities for a Stronger Society” (March 2017, available here) that registered charities in England and Wales with an annual income of less than £100,000 make up almost three quarters of the sector.These smaller charities contribute significantly to the wel ... Continue reading

Is Politics in the Workplace Giving You a Headache?

Just when you thought you’d seen enough emotively divisive politics to last a lifetime, with the election of President Trump following hot on the heels of the Brexit referendum; along comes a general election just to make sure that peoples’ conversations don’t stray to anything quite so mundane as the weather and the weekend’s f ... Continue reading

Zeroing in on Zero Hours Contracts?

According to the Office for National Statistics, over 900,000 employees in Britain are currently employed on zero-hours employment contracts. Zero-hours contracts often crop up in the news, and it’s fair to say that they’ve gotten something of a bad name – often not without good reason. Particularly with the rise of the gig econ ... Continue reading

Data Protection: The GDPR is Coming

In just over a year’s time, on the 25th May 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation, more often known simply as the “GDPR” comes into force. The GDPR is designed both to harmonise data protection throughout Europe and to modernise it, taking into account significant advances in science and technology that have taken ... Continue reading

Residential Landlords: Comply with Housing Law or Face Tough New Penalties!

On 6 April 2017, parts of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 came into force affecting residential landlords in England (but not in Wales). Further parts of the Act are expected to take effect in October 2017.The recent and forthcoming changes target so-called “rogue landlords”. Landlords who do not comply with their obligations ... Continue reading

The Great Repeal Bill

Last week the Department for Exiting the European Union took the wraps off an historic White Paper entitled Legislating for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union. Over the course of its thirty-nine pages, the Department, headed by the Brexit Secretary, David Davis MP, lays out its plans for The Great Repeal Bil ... Continue reading

Made in Britain: Will You Be Using the Label After Brexit?

The CBI has expressed concerns that manufacturers may run into problems using the “Made in Britain” label after the UK’s departure from the EU is complete and has called on the government to ensure that exporters will be able to continue taking advantage of the status.The problem stems from the so-called rules of origin which de ... Continue reading

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