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Housing Health & Safety Rating System (HHSRS)

The Housing Health & Safety Rating System (HHSRS) applies to residential properties in England and Wales. Under the HHSRS, local authorities must identify “hazards” affecting properties in their area and take enforcement action as necessary. The HHSRS has been in place since 2006 but a government survey of private landlords in 2010 found that 85% of landlords had not heard of it. Click here to find out more about the HHSRS and how it is covered in our template documents for letting agents and property managers.

As a landlord, are you aware of the HHSRS? As a lettings agent or property manager do provide advice to landlords on the HHSRS? Could the system be improved? Please leave a comment below. We would be interested to have your views.

By Iain Mackintosh


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