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Author : Property Team

Tenant Fees Act 2019 - Greater Protection for Tenants in England in the Private Rented Sector

As part of the Government’s drive to make renting fairer and more affordable, and to improve transparency and affordability in England’s residential lettings market, the private rented sector in England faces further changes in the shape of the Tenant Fees Act 2019 (‘the Act’) which comes into force on 1 June 2019.This Act prohi ... Continue reading

Proposed Mandatory Requirements for Landlords to be Members of a Redress Scheme

Earlier this year, the Government gave its response to the consultation on ‘Strengthening Consumer Redress in the Housing Market’.This consultation ran for two months at the beginning of last year and considered the current procedure for addressing complaints and disputes in the housing market and whether the process could be im ... Continue reading

Government Plans to Abolish s21 Eviction Procedure

The Government has outlined plans to consult on new legislation to abolish Section 21 evictions in England. Similar plans have also been announced for Wales.Under the current law in England, landlords can evict tenants (giving them eight weeks’ notice) at any time after the fixed-term contract has come to an end, without specify ... Continue reading

RICS Professional Statement on Service Charges in Commercial Property

Commercial property agents who are members of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or who are regulated by RICS (RICS’ Agents) will need to comply with the RICS Professional Statement ‘Service charges in commercial property (1st edition)’ (‘the Statement’) which came into force on 01 April 2019.The Statement replace ... Continue reading

Mandatory CMP Schemes for Letting Agents and Property Managers

The Client Money Protection Schemes for Property Agents (Requirement to Belong to a Scheme etc.) Regulations came into force on 01 April 2019.  Under these regulations, all private sector letting agents and property managers in England who hold client money are required to be members of a government approved Client Money Pr ... Continue reading

Updated 'Fitness for Human Habitation' Standard - Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018

The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 (‘the Act’) comes into force on 20 March 2019.The Act introduces a new implied covenant in tenancy agreements (whether written in the agreement or not) that social housing landlords, private residential landlords, and agents acting on their behalf, must ensure that the property i ... Continue reading

Brexit Notes: What will a No-Deal Brexit Mean for the Property and Real Estate Sector?

In answering this question, this post – the latest in our series of ‘no-deal’ Brexit Notes – will consider the impact of a no-deal departure from the EU on the legislative framework governing property ownership and transactions, as well as taking a brief look at the commercial impact on the property market.Impact on the Legislat ... Continue reading

Changes to SDLT Filing and Payment Time Limits

Stamp Duty Land Tax (“SDLT”) is a tax on land transactions payable on the purchase of land or property (including leases) over a certain price in England.The time limit for filing an SDLT return with HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) and paying any tax due to HMRC is being reduced from 30 days to 14 days for those property transac ... Continue reading

HMO Reforms From 1 October 2018

New rules relating to houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) apply from 1 October 2018. The key reform is the extension of mandatory licensing of HMOs. There are also new provisions regarding minimum room sizes and the management of household waste. Criminal and civil penalties can be imposed for non-compliance.Extension of Mandat ... Continue reading

Reminder to Landlords and Agents - Section 21 Reforms Apply to All ASTs in England from 1 October 2018

On 1 October 2015 a prescribed form of Section 21 Notice was introduced for properties in England. Initially, use of the prescribed form was mandatory only for tenancies granted on or after 1 October 2015. From 1 October 2018, the prescribed form must be used to terminate all assured shorthold tenancies, regardless of when they ... Continue reading

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