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Form N119 - Particulars of Claim for Possession


The Form N119 - Particulars of Claim for Possession is the Court form which should be used in conjunction with Form N5 when a landlord is bringing a claim for possession against a residential tenant.

The up to date version of it can be found on the government website by clicking on this link to the relevant page: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/form-n119-particulars-of-claim-for-possession.

Once you have opened the template form on the Government website, you should save a copy  and then you complete that copy.

The completed Forms N5 and N119 need to be sent to the County Court in the area where the property is located.  See the template Letter Enclosing N5 & N119.

Please refer to the Section 8 Possession Guidance for instructions on completing Form N119.

Form N119 - Particulars of Claim for Possession is part of Property Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Property Documents for 1 year.

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