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Letter of Appointment of Alternate Director


This Letter – Appointment of Alternate Director should be used by a director wishing to appoint an alternate to act in his or her place, for example, if a director is unable to attend a board meeting or it may be for a longer period of absence.

It is only possible to appoint an alternate if a company’s articles of association give directors the right to appoint alternates. This provision was included as article 65 of Table A (Companies Act 1985) but there is no similar provision in the model articles. Therefore companies incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 and with model articles, will need to amend their articles so as to allow for the appointment of alternates.

Note that depending on the status of the alternate, if he/she is treated as a director for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006, a company may need to complete and file Form AP01 (Appointment of a Director) with Companies House. Companies may need to seek formal legal advice in relation to this.

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