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Boilerplate Clauses Review Part 1

December 2021

Whether you are drafting a new document from scratch or instead looking to amend the terms of an existing one (such as a Simply-Docs template), standard template clauses can assist. Simply-Docs has long offered a comprehensive set of standard clauses for commercial contracts and this range of templates is now being reviewed, updated, and expanded.

The review will take place in two stages, the first now, and the second in January. Once complete, all standard clauses in our Standard Clauses for Commercial Contracts group will have been reviewed, updated where appropriate, and will receive any necessary alterations to improve compatibility with other documents in the portfolio.

New clauses added this month include a new consumer-oriented law and jurisdiction clause, two new clauses for different forms of dispute resolution, and some key clauses which are commonly found in the “boilerplate” clauses of an agreement, dealing with issues such as rights and remedies, set-off, costs, and time being of the essence.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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