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Terms and Conditions for Supply of Goods and Services (B2B)


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These Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services are intended for use where the Seller is supplying both goods and services in the course of a business to business transaction. This document carefully regulates the relationship between both parties, while ensuring that the contractual position of the Seller is safeguarded.

This template has been updated to include greater clarity and efficiency with respect to times through specific reference to “business days”; additional optional provisions pertaining to non-delivery / non-provision; a broader reference to voluntary arrangements (now including IVAs and PVAs in addition to the original CVAs) when allowing the seller to recover goods which have not been paid for or otherwise dealing with default on the part of the buyer; and a more comprehensive governing law and jurisdiction clause, now covering matters outside the strict scope of the terms and conditions or contract. A new, highly comprehensive confidentiality clause has also been added.

This template is intended for use only where the seller and buyer are based in the UK and the goods are to be delivered in the UK. For any other case, you should take professional legal advice as to the terms of agreement that will be suitable for your circumstances.

Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

The Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services contain the following clauses:

1. Application of Terms and Conditions 
2. Definitions and Interpretation 
3. Basis of Sale and Service 
4. The Goods 
5. The Services 
6. Price 
7. Payment 
8. Delivery and Performance 
9. Non-Delivery of Goods and Services 
10. Risk and Retention of Title 
11. Assignment 
12. Defective Goods 
13. Customer’s Default 
14. Liability 
15. Confidentiality 
16. Communications 
17. Force Majeure 
18. Waiver 
19. Severance 
20. Third Party Rights 
21. Law and Jurisdiction

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