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Risk Assessment Form Templates

This selection of Risk Assessment Form Templates contains a huge variety of instantly downloadable risk assessment forms in one easy to navigate location. These templates have been professionally drafted and are grouped in accordance with industry sectors such as building or landscape gardening, and potential risks such as COSHH or fire.

Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires that work activities must undergo a suitable risk assessment. If you are not familiar with the process of carrying out a risk assessment we highly recommend you download and read the Risk Assessment Guidance Notes. You will also find specialised guidance notes for completing a Manual Handling Risk Assessment Form and a COSHH Risk Assessment Form.

All of the risk assessment forms in this folder are written in MS Word and can be fully edited to suit your particular needs. To assist you in completing the risk assessment forms most of the forms have been partly completed with examples of suggested hazards and control measures so that you can then amend, add to, and delete as appropriate for your particular site or location.

You can view detailed descriptions of each sub-folder by clicking on the links below.

Risk Assessment Form Templates is part of Health & Safety. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health & Safety for 1 year.

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