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Compliance with Fire Safety 2006 Order

How to Comply with the Fire Safety Order

To comply with the Fire Safety order:

  • If you are the responsible person, you must make sure you carry out a fire risk assessment, you can pass this task to some other competent person. However you still will be responsible, in law, for meeting the fire safety order.
  • The responsible person, whether on their own or with any other responsible person, must as far as is reasonably practical make sure that everyone on the premises, or nearby, can escape safely if there is a fire.
  • You must consider everyone who is on your premises, whether they are employees, visitors or members of the public, paying particular attention to people who may have a disability or anyone needing special help.
  • The fire safety order says that you must manage any fire-risk in your premises. Fire authorities no longer issue fire certificates and those previously in force will have no legal status.
  • You must still carry out a fire risk assessment but any fire certificates you have may be a good starting point.

The employer or the "responsible person" must carry out a suitable and sufficient assessment of fire risks. The assessment may be a separate fire risk assessment or an integral part of one or more other risk assessments relating to the workplace.

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