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Sole Trader/Building Partnership Guidance Notes On CDM 2015


The  Construction (Design & Management) Regulations CDM 2015 are relevant for sole traders and building partnerships

These Guidance Notes for Sole Traders/Partnerships on CDM 2015 explain briefly the effect of the Regulations on both the client and the builder (the "Principal Contractor") on every project. The CDM Regulations 2015 are wide ranging -  they even apply to works to domestic properties for private clients.

Significant effects include:

•  For commercial projects, the client is responsible for all site activities.

• All projects require a Principal Designer to ensure that health and safety is organised pre-start.

• Every project must have an appointed Principal Contractor to manage all site works.

These Guidance Notes for CDM 2015 show how the regulations are aimed at the smaller building contractor including one man bands and partnerships, and help to show what they need to do in order to be compliant.

We have written these guidance notes especially for smaller builders. It is acknowledged that smaller builders have statistically more accidents, so the HSE inspectors actively pay attention to this sector.

These guidance notes have been written to give building sole traders and partnerships useful information on compliance, with particular regard to those issues that the HSE inspectors say they will always look for.

These issues will include:

• Work at heights

• Site welfare

• General site tidiness

• Any asbestos hazards

• General dust or fumes management

The inspectors look for all sorts of hazards, but always look for these. These guidance notes give smaller contractors a reminder of how they should be running their sites to remain legally compliant.

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