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Complaints Policy for Commercial Lettings Agents


This Complaints Policy for Commercial Lettings Agents is designed for use by Estate Agents specialising in commercial lettings. Any well-run business should have a written complaints policy. If the Agent is a member of an ombudsman redress scheme, the scheme will require the Agent to operate a formal complaints procedure. Professional bodies such as RICS will typically have similar requirements.

This Complaints Policy provides for two levels of internal complaint handling, the second of which is designed as an appeal stage for clients (or other service users such as prospective tenants) who are not satisfied with the outcome of their original complaint. If relevant, there is also the option for referral to the ombudsman if the complainant is not satisfied. If the Agent is a member of a professional body, the complainant may also be able to refer the matter to that professional body, depending on the subject matter of the complaint.

This Complaints Policy is designed to be used in conjunction with the Complaints Handling Procedure for Commercial Lettings Agents. The Policy explains the Agency’s complaints handling procedure to clients and other service users. The Procedure is designed for internal use to guide staff through the handling of a complaint.

Section 1 contains definitions.

Section 2 states the purpose of the Complaints Policy.

Section 3 sets out with the scope of the Policy – essentially, defining a “complaint”.

Section 4 informs clients (and other service users) how to make a complaint.

Section 5 explains how the Agency handles complaints. It refers to Level One complaints, Level Two complaints (appeals) and the possibility of complaints being referred to the ombudsman or the Agent’s professional body.

Section 6 relates to confidentiality and data protection issues.

Section 7 sets out whom to contact if a client has any questions about the Complaints Policy.

Section 8 states who within the Agency is responsible for implementation and review of the Policy.

Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

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