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Ladder/Steps Inspection Checklist


Ladders and steps are used daily and are often used to carry considerable loads. Ladders can also be subject to poor treatment, for instance, they might be thrown in the back of a van or onto the ground where they could be run over by vehicles or other site machinery. Many people are injured every year because damaged ladders or steps have failed.

This template Safety Inspection Checklist has been written to assist a contractor in assessing, checking and recording the condition of their ladders and steps.

The checklist covers aluminium or timber stepladders, aluminium or timber extension ladders (including ridge ladders) and aluminium or timber trestle ladders. You can also use this Ladder and Steps Safety Checklist Form if you have Warehouse Steps.

It is recommended that this Ladder/Steps Inspection Checklist is used in conjunction with the Ladder Register.

This Checklist details the components of ladders and steps to remind you of what to check –

  • Rungs/Steps
  • Stiles/Frame
  • Feet
  • Braces/stabilisers/locking mechanisms
  • Handrails and working platforms

If you need to show proof of your equipment maintenance regime, this form can be used for accreditation organisations or prequalification questionnaires (PQQ).

Ladder/Steps Inspection Checklist is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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