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Form N325 Request for Warrant of Possession of Land


The Form N325 Request for Warrant of Possession of Land should be used by a landlord who has obtained a Court Order for possession of residential property, and the tenant has failed to move out by the date specified in the Order.

The landlord cannot take direct action to evict the tenant.  Instead, the landlord must ask the court to make a Warrant for Possession of Land authorising the court bailiffs to obtain possession of the property.

The up to date version of it can be found on the Government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/form-n325-request-for-warrant-for-possession-of-land.

Once you have opened the template form on the Government website, you should save a copy and then you can complete that copy.

The parties’ details need to be inserted in sections 1, 2 & 3.

Section 4 should be deleted as there is no money to collect in an accelerated possession claim.

In section 5 details of the Court Order for possession need to be given.

In the “I certify” box on the right-hand side, delete the wording in brackets in paragraph 1 and delete the whole of paragraph 2.

The Form N325 should be sent to thecCourt with a covering letter and a cheque for the fee. The current fees can be found on the Gov UK website .  See the template Letter Enclosing N325.

Form N325 Request for Warrant of Possession of Land is part of Property Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Property Documents for 1 year.

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