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GDPR Privacy Notices and Covering Letters

December 2019

Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), (which came into force on 25 May 2018), residential letting agents are “data controllers” of information they hold about prospective and actual landlords, tenant/residents and guarantors (who are known as “data subjects” under the regulations). Residential letting agents must provide certain information to data subjects. This information will often be provided in the agent’s privacy notice.

There are a number of template documents in the Property folder to assist residential letting agents to comply with their obligations under GDPR.

This month, to further assist residential letting agents, separate versions of the GDPR Privacy Notice have been created. These are for a Residential Letting Agent to send to: 1) a potential or actual landlord client; and 2) a tenant, resident or guarantor.

Separate versions of the Letter enclosing GDPR Privacy Notice have been created. These are for a Residential Letting Agent to send to: 1) a potential or actual landlord client; and 2) a tenant, resident or guarantor.

These templates can be adjusted to reflect the agent’s specific practices.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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