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VDU Review, Revision and Records in the Workplace.

VDU Review, Revision And Records

The employer must review any such risk assessment, and make changes to it and his risk reduction measures where necessary, if there is reason to suspect the assessment is no longer valid; or else if there has been a significant change in the matters to which the assessment relates.

Where the employer has five or more staff, he must record any risk assessment (or revision of it) unless no significant risks are identified.

As regards review of risk assessments, examples of where these are required include:

  • a major change to software used;
  • a major change to the hardware;
  • a major change in workstation furniture;
  • a substantial increase in employer requirements, such speed, accuracy or volume of work;
  • if the workstation is relocated; or
  • if the lighting is significantly modified.

Many employers involve employees closely in these risk assessments, for example by training users and giving them checklists to complete so that the employer can focus on just the problem areas identified on checklists fed back to him. Checklists are often based on the minimum requirements.

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