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New & Updated E-Commerce Website Terms and Conditions

July 2015

The latest instalment of our Website Terms and Conditions update is now live. July focuses on our leading standard e-commerce website terms for the sale of goods and services.

What’s New?

First and foremost, what was previously one document has become two. Until now, our E-Commerce Sale of Goods Website Terms and Conditions and our E-Commerce Sale of Services Website Terms and Conditions have existed as individual documents containing both website terms of use and terms of sale. In order to better reflect current practice and to make matters considerably clearer for both businesses and their customers, we have now separated these key elements.

The existing website terms and conditions templates have received the same thorough updates as their contemporaries. The new counterparts contain detailed provisions governing the sale of goods and services. It is important to note that each pair of documents is designed to be used together. A user’s use of your website will be subject to your Terms of Use and their purchase of goods or services from you will be subject to your Terms of Sale.

E-Commerce Website Terms of Use Updates

As noted above, the terms of use (formerly the single terms and conditions templates) now include many of the enhancements already made to other templates in our website terms and conditions portfolio and are fully compliant with current best practice, containing new terms making them more detailed, more thorough, and more at home in the modern social media world. Key enhancements include new IP provisions dealing with content created both by the site owner and by users; more realistic and pragmatic provisions regarding linking and sharing; new acceptable usage provisions; greater levels of detail about the website operator; and a great deal more besides.

New E-Commerce Terms of Sale

The new terms of sale templates take the material originally contained in the standalone website terms and conditions and expand upon it. Great attention is paid to explaining the order and purchase process to consumers in terms that are easier to understand. In particular, rights to cancel contracts (whether because of problems or simply because a customer has changed their mind and wishes to avail themselves of the 14 day cooling off period bestowed upon them by the 2013 Consumer Contracts Regulations) are detailed, along with comprehensive provisions governing liability, customer complaints, contact information and data protection.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

Simply-4-Business Ltd Registered in England and Wales No. 4868909, 20 Mortlake High Street, Mortlake, London SW14 8JN
