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Lay-Off Notice Letter


This Lay-off Notice Letter should be used to inform an employee that they have been laid-off. Lay-offs generally occur where the employer does not have enough work and therefore asks the employee not to come into work.

This Lay-off Notice Letter specifies the duration of the lay-off i.e. whether it is for a determined period or indefinite. Please note that when a lay-off is to occur for an indefinite period, the employee will be entitled to make a claim for statutory redundancy pay after either four consecutive weeks or six weeks or more within a 13 week period of being laid-off. Please see the Guidance Notes available through the related document links below for more information.

This letter template is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.

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Lay-Off Notice Letter is part of Employment Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Employment Documents for 1 year.

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