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What Information should be included in a Statement of Capital?

What Information should be included in a Statement of Capital?

All statements of capital (regardless of the circumstances triggering the filing obligation) must include the following information as at the date to which the return is made up:

  • The total number of shares issued by the company.
  • The aggregate nominal value of those shares.
  • For each class of shares in issue:

- the prescribed particulars of the rights attached to that class of shares. The required particulars differ depending on whether the statement of capital is being provided with an annual return or in any other circumstance;

- the total number of shares of that class; and

- the aggregate nominal value of the shares of that class.

  • The amount paid up and the amount (if any) unpaid on each share (whether on account of nominal value or by way of share premium).

To fill in a statement of capital can require specialist and detailed knowledge of a company’s share capital and there is more detail on Companies House website.

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