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International Trade Terms and Conditions

International Trade Terms and Conditions

It is crucial to have a properly written set of terms and conditions when it comes to doing business overseas. There is more potential for miscommunication due to language barriers so getting everything drawn up and written down at the beginning can ensure that both parties are fully aware of their obligations right from the start and means that disputes can be avoided or more easily resolved should they arise further down the line. If you need to have a legal document translated, ensure this is undertaken by a well qualified expert and preferably checked by a notary.

If you decide to work with an international partner, such as a sales agent or distributor agent in the country to which you are exporting your products, it’s important that you have agreed to terms governing the agency or distribution relationship which protect your business interests.

You should also ensure, where possible, that any sales, agency or distribution terms are governed by a specific legal jurisdiction. For example, if you’re based in England or Wales, it may be best to have any disputes resolved by courts in England and Wales rather than in a foreign jurisdiction where legal rules are different and could cause you even more complications. 

If you’re doing business abroad, using suitable terms and conditions of sale can minimise disputes and strengthen the business relationship. There is a template Terms of Business - Export available on the Simply Docs website here and here. 

You might find it helpful to refer to templates that you can see by clicking below. 

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