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Hire Of Whole Premises To Organisation


This Hire Of Whole Premises To Organisation is designed to be used by the freeholder or lessee (“owner”) of premises that hires out the premises for short periods, e.g. a couple of hours, or a morning/afternoon/evening or whole day, either as a “one off” or as a “block booking” of a number of such sessions. For example, a hiring might be for a single meeting or for a regular class (e.g. an exercise class) held on the same evening each week for a term or other period of time.

Whilst this template may be used by any person or organisation who is the owner of premises, e.g. a sole trader, company, charity, or other organisation, if the owner is a charity it might prefer to use the version of this template specifically designed for charities to use which can be found in the Charity & Non-Profit Group in our Corporate folder.

This template is only for use where the hirer is an organisation, not an individual. There is a separate document in this subfolder for use where the hirer is an individual. Where the hirer organisation is a charity, it might prefer to use the version of this template specifically designed for a charity hirer to use which can be found in the Charity & Non-Profit Group.

This template is specifically designed to be used for hire of the whole of a set of premises or where the whole of the premises comprises only one room or hall and no other rooms, areas etc. There are alternative versions of this template in this subfolder which can be used where the room/s, hall/s etc. forms only part of the whole premises of the owner.

The document contains alternative sets of wordings for booking either a one off session or block booking of a number of sessions.

The template includes detailed and clear provisions which seek to minimise the owner’s legal exposure and to set out all of the important legal and commercial terms of the arrangement. In particular, it includes detailed provisions for:

  • payment of a deposit and the balance of the hire fees
  • payment of a security deposit to cover any damage by the hirer
  • cancellation by either the owner or hirer in different circumstances, stating precisely the financial liability that each will have to the other in that circumstance
  • insurance by the hirer
  • limitations/exclusions of liability of owner
  • indemnities given to the owner by the hirer.
  • various restrictions, prohibitions, and requirements to be met by the hirer, including health & safety and housekeeping conditions, all set out in a schedule.

Although designed to be used by the owner, a hirer might choose to propose this template to an owner as the basis for a hire agreement because it is drafted in a way which is fair to a hirer, even though it contains various legal protections for the owner.

The alternative phrases / clauses should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

This Hire Of Whole Premises To Organisation is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.

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