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Manual Handling Management Assessment Checklist And Action Plan


The employer must identify manual handling operations that pose significant risks to people's health or safety; and, so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the need for his employees to undertake any manual handling operation where the risk assessment shows that such work involves a risk of their being injured; ensure that the health and safety risks of alternatives to manual handling are assessed and eliminated or controlled.

Consideration should be made for the avoidance of manual handling by eliminating the need for handling altogether or, if that cannot be arranged, by automation or mechanisation of the operation.

This Manual Handling Management Assessment Checklist and Action Plan is divided into the following sections:

1. General Information and Responsibility 
2. Items to be Handled 
3. Handling Situations 
4. Capability of People, including training and information 
5. Characteristics of Unit 
6. Other Considerations 
7. Review Timetable 
These sections and the questions posed therein are not exhaustive. Sections and checks should be added or subtracted to suit the purpose of your business/undertaking and the manual handling tasks involved.

Each of these sections provides for:

1. Description of Hazard/Risk 
2. Possible Action 
3. Confirmation of Action - it is recommended that a Single Hazard Risk Assessment form be completed for each action. If so, enter reference number. 
4. Responsibility for Action 
5. Target Date 
6. Completion Date 
7. Initials of the party responsible for the Action.

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