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Site Work Method Statement – Gardening and Landscaping


This Method Statement is for all the works involved in gardening, tree and hedge pruning, lawn cutting and landscaping.

Writing a Method Statement is an important part of managing risks around the work site.  Even if you are working on a small domestic project you should write a Method Statement if only to use it as a ‘tick box’ exercise to make sure you have thought about the safety issues involved.

You may find it useful to use this worked example method statement in conjunction with the blank method statement template in this folder and the guidance notes on how to write a method statement. This method statement has been professionally written for a specific task and a specific location and should be used as a guide only. Method statements must be site specific and each site will have its own particular issues that need consideration.

Writing a Method Statement can be an important part of managing risks around the building site. Using a systematic method of looking at your work activities by first completing a suitable Risk Assessment and then creating a safe system of work on the Method Statement form you will go a long way to ensuring the safety of your employees on site. If you are a sub-contractor you may be asked to provide your method statements before starting work. These forms, when properly filled in, will show your prospective clients that you are serious about managing health and safety on site.

Site Work Method Statement – Gardening and Landscaping is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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