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Document Templates for Occupiers of Commercial and Residential Properties

April 2014
Documents For Commercial and Residential Occupiers

Over the last few months we have expanded our range of template documents for occupiers of commercial and residential properties. This month we have launched new folders of documents for Commercial Occupiers and Residential Occupiers.

The new folders contain all the existing templates for commercial tenants and residential occupiers, together with many new documents added this month. Tenants and licensees will find these documents useful when agreeing a letting, dealing with issues arising during the tenancy and bringing the lease to an end.

Documents for commercial occupiers

Our documents for commercial occupiers fall into the following categories:

• Heads of terms – agreeing the main terms for a lease, underlease, licence to alter or tenancy at will.
• Registration at the Land Registry – how to register leases and easements.
• Security of tenure – what it means and how to exclude it.
• Alterations – applying for landlord’s consent.
• Assignments – applying for consent and carrying out an assignment.
• Underlettings – obtaining consent and granting an underlease.
• Termination – bringing a lease or licence to an end.

Documents for residential occupiers

Our residential occupiers documents cover various issues:

• Dealings during the term – this includes information on tenancy deposit protection, templates for subletting or taking a lodger and letters to the landlord dealing with alterations and making a complaint.
• Termination – bring different types of tenancy to an end, whether at the end of the term or using a break clause.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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