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Obtaining Consent to Alterations

During the term of a lease a tenant is likely to want to make alterations to the interior of the premises. Commercial leases tend to prohibit the making of alterations without the landlord’s consent. The landlord’s consent is usually given by way of a formal licence to alter.

In this folder we have a template Tenant’s Letter seeking Consent to Make Alterations and pro forma Heads of Terms for Alterations. These documents will help tenants to approach the subject of alterations in a formal way, providing the landlord with as much information as possible at the outset to enable him to make a decision.

Tenants should refer to the Protocol for Applications for Consent to Carry out Alterations when approaching the subject of alterations. The Protocol can be found at http://www.propertyprotocols.co.uk. Compliance with the Protocol is voluntary but use of the Protocol is widely supported in the commercial property sector. Our documents are designed to help the parties comply with the Protocol.

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