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Sole Trader Subcontractor Agreements

Main contractors, whether by default or by necessity, will sometimes need to employ the services of subcontractors.

These Sole Trader Subcontractor Agreements will give main contractors considerable flexibility in rendering their services, allowing for an overall increase in working capacity and, in many cases, in specialist knowledge or skills. Especially relevant in the construction industry, but also valuable in many other sectors, including IT services, Sole Trader Subcontractor Agreements allow contractors to take on additional self-employed workers on a short (or fixed) term basis.

These forms of agreement are designed to be used where the subcontractor is to be an individual, but there are also Company Subcontractor Agreements that are designed to be used where the subcontractor is to be a company.

A key consideration to bear in mind is the status of the individual who is to work as a subcontractor and any workers engaged by that subcontractor. Each of the forms in this subfolder aims to minimize the risk that HMRC will regard the individual subcontractor as an employee of the main contractor rather than a self-employed sole trader.

The application of any of these templates cannot actually remove that risk. Therefore professional advice should be sought. The advice will need to consider the content of the form to be used together with all of the circumstances and arrangements relating to the work, the client, the main contractor, the individual subcontractor, and any person engaged by the subcontractor.

A further key consideration is that the agreement between the main contractor and their own client must permit subcontracting.

Sole Trader Subcontractor Agreements is part of Business Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Business Documents for 1 year.

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