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Covid-19 Risk Assessment Form Templates

May 2020

The Government has now published detailed guidance called “Working Safely During Coronavirus (COVID-19)” to assist UK employers in getting businesses working again. Now that certain business sectors are allowed to re-open it is crucial that workplaces are assessed so that the safest possible working environment can be created to facilitate staff and contractors coming back to work.

Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Carrying out a COVID-19 Risk Assessment is one of the 5 steps the Government has stipulated as necessary in order to manage the risk of the spread of coronavirus and the safety of staff returning to work. For full details of these 5 steps please click here .

The risk assessment templates include a Return to Work Covid-19 Blank Risk Assessment Form template for writing in your findings: the hazards you have identified; the existing controls; the further measures and actions required and when they have been completed. A worked example template risk assessment form is also available for an office environment and includes an option for a vulnerable person. This worked example can assist by prompting the identification of hazards, those at risk, controls undertaken and further actions.

It is imperative that each risk assessment is specific to each business, location, department and staff member and that all measures, controls and actions are carried out and not just recorded on the form.

The Government has advised that all business with 50 employees or more must share the completed COVID-19 risk assessment forms with their workforce, but it is recommended that all employers should do so, even if they have less than 50 employees.

Covid-19 Daily Health Declaration Form

The Covid-19 Daily Health Declaration Form is for all staff, contractors and visitors to complete on a daily basis to confirm that they have not knowingly been in contact with an infected person, have been maintaining social distancing and do not have symptoms themselves. A Covid-19 Daily Health Check Declaration and Attendance Record is also available to document the daily declarations.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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