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New Architect's Documents and Professional and Trade Terms of Business Updates

October 2012

Whether it is to be a grand design, an extension or simply a remodel, a building project often requires the services of an architect.

As with all kinds of business transaction, it is essential that all parties are fully aware of their respective rights and obligations. This is no less the case in the architecture profession. To this end, therefore, Simply-Docs has published a set of documents designed for use by architects when providing their services.

New Terms & Conditions and Agreements

It is always a good idea to give clients a good idea of what to expect when acquiring your services and entering into a contract with your business. A set of standard terms and conditions (also known as terms of business) is the best way to do this.

The all-new Architect’s Terms and Conditions from Simply-Docs have been designed for use by architects providing their services to clients undertaking small to medium sized construction projects and address a range of important factors including the parties’ respective obligations, IP rights, compliance with relevant rules and regulations, liability and – of course – the always important fees and payment.

Once the particulars of a business relationship have been negotiated and established it will be time to get a written contract in place. Mirroring the provisions contained within the Architect’s Terms and Conditions, Simply-Docs now offers a new Architect’s Agreement. For maximum flexibility (and minimum alterations to the main body of the agreement) the most important variables and particulars of the transaction are left for you to define in a series of clearly marked schedules.

Finally, when the work is ready to begin, it is essential that builders are given access to the plans that an architect has produced. As in many cases the architect will retain the IP rights in those plans, a licence agreement is necessary to allow the builders to use them. The new Licence to use Architect’s Plans from Simply-Docs has been designed to do just that. Under its simple and straightforward terms, a builder is permitted to use the plans drawn up by an architect for the purposes of constructing a building and for subsequently maintaining and repairing it.

Updates to our Professional and Trade Terms and Conditions

In addition to the all-new architect’s documents, our large portfolio of terms and conditions for professionals and tradespeople has received a comprehensive update. All of our professional and trade terms and conditions now benefit from significantly more detailed and comprehensive standard clauses (also known as “boilerplate clauses”) thus adding greater legal certainty and protection for all concerned, particularly when combined with the recently contract schedules added earlier this year, enabling the terms and conditions to be easily converted into binding contracts.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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