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New Performance Improvement Plan Documents

September 2024

If an employee is under-performing at work, a performance improvement plan (PIP) is a useful tool for employers to support the employee, providing the line manager and the employee with an agreed framework to deal with the issues that have been highlighted.  The support for the employee could include training or making changes to their work.

A new package of performance management templates is now available and includes:

  • a template Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • a PIP with worked examples
  • a Performance Management Review Procedures document, outlining how a performance management review procedure works. 

These documents explain the actions an employee needs to take to improve their performance and meet job expectations. This is a structured, targeted process that sets specific goals, expectations and timelines for improvement, typically one to three months.

Before undertaking a formal management review procedure, employers should try to address issues informally.  If the employee has a disability that is related to the capability issues that are being considered, the employer must take reasonable steps to support the employee.

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