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Environmental Risk Assessment Forms and Management Systems

June 2013

Demonstrating environmental sensitivity and "green" credentials has become an integral part of many companies’ marketing strategies. But understanding issues such as energy use and sustainability is more than just a marketing ploy or a case of following a trend. Being environmentally aware can reap sound commercial benefits in terms of reduced costs on business travelling, the amount of packaging you use, the amount of waste you produce and even how much you recycle.

This month Simply-Docs has begun a comprehensive review of the Environmental Health and Safety documents. We have created a new set of Environmental Risk Assessment Forms with Guidance Notes and Checklist to help all types of businesses set up a proactive Environmental Management System (EMS). An EMS is a set of tools to aid you in managing, reducing or preventing negative environmental impact in your business.

The Environment Risk Assessment Forms range from Hazardous Materials and Energy Use to Contamination of Land and Community Issues.

The EMS Guidance Notes explain what an EMS is, assist in the identification of the environmental impact of your business and the development of environmental objectives. The Guidance Notes contain a Walk-round Checklist which can be used to identify the sources of environmental impact within your business, assist you in asking the key questions necessary and facilitate the collection of relevant data for environmental management. The Guidance Notes also include a partially worked example Action Plan and EMS Risk Assessment.

By using these EMS Guidance Notes you will be able to see how you can identify what environmental impact your business has now, who (if anyone) is currently responsible for monitoring it, and what policies and procedures you already have in place. This will also help you to identify what carbon footprint you and your suppliers have now and what steps you can take to reduce it in the future.

To supplement these documents updated and new Environmental Policies will be provided soon.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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