EMS Baseline Risk Assessment – Energy Use
This EMS Baseline Assessment Form is for assessing the environmental impact for Energy Use. It covers the source of the potential hazard along with the frequency of its use and the person(s) who you have deemed to be responsible for managing it.
EMS Baseline Assessment forms are an essential part of the construction of your Environmental Management System. They are used to identify the sources of environmental impact connected with your business, which will then allow you to put procedures in place to manage or reduce them.
This document has been professionally written for you to use by adding to or deleting the Aspects, Sources, Frequency etc. that we have suggested. We have considered the various implications that may arise from these materials and have included some of them on the form. These are only our suggestions – you may find that your particular site or location needs different answers, and these forms allow you to fill them in as you need.
How to use the EMS Baseline Assessment form:
You may find it easiest to print off a copy of this Assessment form and manually write in your findings; the hazards you have identified. To help you with this process you may find it useful to read our Environmental Management System Guidance Notes also in this folder.
Once you have hand-written your EMS Baseline Assessment Form for Energy Use you may wish to revisit this electronic version to input your data. If you wish to enter more Environmental Aspects than there are on the form then right-click in an empty space within the bottom row and select the ‘Insert’ option. You will be given a variety of options, please select the ‘insert rows below’ option and a new row should appear below the current one. To work out the Level of Risk (R) for each hazard on the form multiply the Probability value (P) by the Severity value (S).
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