Directors’ Conflicts of Interest
Corporate transparency and governance are increasingly on the political agenda for private limited companies. As such declaring and managing conflict situations for boards of directors is a crucial part of this transparency process and helps protect the integrity and reputation of both directors and companies from any appearance of impropriety.
This month we have updated and added to our existing portfolio of templates dealing with directors’ interests; specifically directors’ conflicts of interest. It is an essential part of compliance with the Companies Act 2006 that directors’ interests and conflicts are properly monitored and declared.
Our new content includes a conflicts of interest policy and registers to record director conflicts and any gifts and hospitality received. We have also updated the notices that directors must give under the Companies Act 2006 to declare interests in proposed or existing transactions, whether by a specific notice or by general notice, as well as the board minutes necessary to record these interests.
This sub-folder is designed for private limited companies. For conflict of interest templates involving charitable incorporated organisations and charitable companies limited by guarantee, our Charities group includes the relevant templates.
The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.