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Corporate Ethical Policy


This Ethical Policy sets out general principles of corporate ethics that an organisation should guide itself by. Of particular importance are factors pertaining to bribery and corruption arising out of the Bribery Act 2010. This policy can assist companies’ compliance with the provisions and spirit of the Bribery Act.

This document has been updated for Brexit. References to data protection legislation have been updated with reference to the UK GDPR.

A clear Ethics Policy can help ensure that employees are fully aware of the sort of behaviour that is expected from them, which in turn can help pre-empt potentially embarrassing or damaging situations occurring where employees acting on behalf of the company act inappropriately or unethically. As this can often be down to inexperience as much as deliberate morally questionable conduct, an Ethical Policy can help to avoid such situations by instilling good practices for all staff and officers of the business.

An Ethical Policy is also an effective way of demonstrating a corporate commitment to honest and proper business practices, from the way that an organisation treats its employees to how it deals with its environmental impact. This can in turn enhance a business’s outward reputation and image and thus, its business prospects.

This Ethical Policy contains the following sections:

1. Purpose
2. Human Rights
3. Worker’s Rights
4. Environmental Issues
5. Conflicts of Interest
6. Information and Confidentiality
7. [Shareholders and Investors]
8. Suppliers and Partners
9. Bribery and Corruption

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Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

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