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Site Inspection Form - General Contractor


If you are a general contractor on a building site you may need to demonstrate to the principal contractors that your on-site works or procedures are compliant with either CDM or the site rules. This General Contractors’ Site Inspection Form has been written to be used by your safety advisor, to enable them to carry out an inspection of your works or procedures. The form can be used when the trade specific site inspection forms are not applicable.

This checklist will enable the advisor to look at your work activities and pass comment on how well (or not) you are approaching compliance with either CDM or the site rules.

The section headings have been filled in for your convenience but can easily be changed to suit your particular needs.

This form has been written by a safety professional to assist you in managing health and safety compliance on a construction site.

Site Inspection Form - General Contractor is part of Health and Safety Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Health and Safety Documents for 1 year.

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