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Donation of Goods by Supporters

Donation of Goods by Supporters

Donations might also be in the form of goods or property. “Goods” might comprise low value items that a supporter gives to a charity to be sold by it in one of its charity shops or online (e.g. through  eBay. 

Some businesses might donate end-of- line items or unsold stock to a charity.

A donation by an individual might instead comprise an item of some considerable value that the supporter is content to give rather than sell to a third party, e.g. a stamp collection. It might even be land or property. Assuming that the charity does not wish to or cannot itself use such a valuable item, it will sell the item (perhaps at auction) and add the proceeds to its funds. 

Note that charities can convert donations of goods to cash and claim gift aid tax rebates on the donation.

If a donor wishes to give land or property or investments to a charity, they and the charity should consult with each other and take legal advice before doing so.

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