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Architect's Terms and Conditions (Business to Consumer)


These Architect’s Terms and Conditions are designed for use by architects providing their services to consumer clients undertaking small to medium sized domestic construction or renovation projects. These terms and conditions (or terms of business) can be included in a document such as a quotation or displayed on a website. They can also be used as a stand-alone document.

This document has been updated with a simplified data protection clause which refers to a separate data protection policy (or similar). Full details of personal data use should be provided in that document.

A "contract schedule" is also included which enables the terms and conditions contained within this document to be easily converted into a legally binding agreement.

An Architect’s Agreement (Business to Consumer), with terms very similar to those in these terms and conditions, is also available for use when contracting with clients. Alternative versions of these documents are available for use by architects providing services to business clients.

Detailed provisions in this template document address key factors such as the obligations of the architect and the client (including compliance by both parties with all relevant laws, regulations, codes of conduct etc.) and the parties’ intellectual property rights in any designs and plans prepared by the architect.

This document includes provisions to help architects comply with the Consumer Rights Act 2015. The language and presentation are designed to be “consumer-friendly” and the document should make sense to an average consumer who has no specialist business or legal knowledge.

The template also complies with the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. In particular:

- Clients entering into contracts “off the premises” of the architect are given a 14 day cooling-off period. This means they can change their mind for any reason after entering into a contract, subject to limited exceptions. Work can however commence within the cooling-off period so long as the client expressly agrees to this.

- The client is given a clear and concise summary of the pre-contract information they are entitled to receive.

It is important for architects to be aware of their obligations and the rights of their clients under consumer protection laws. This template has been drafted with these laws in mind. Take care when amending the template to remain compliant with the legislation and, in particular, make sure you do not include any terms that may be deemed “unfair”.

If architect's services are to be provided online rather than face to face, you should instead use the Website Terms of Sale - Online Architect Services (B2C) template in our Online Professional Services Website Terms of Sale (B2C) subfolder.

Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

These Architect’s Terms and Conditions contain the following clauses:

1. Definitions and Interpretation
2. Information about Us
3. Communication and Contact Details
4. Services
5. Your Obligations
6. Appointment of Third Party Consultants and Contractors
7. Advertising and Marketing
8. Fees, Payment and Records
9. Intellectual Property Rights
10. Complaints and Feedback
11. Cancellation of Contract during the Cooling Off Period
12. Termination
13. Effects of Termination
14. Events Outside of Our Control (Force Majeure)
15. Liability
16. How We Use Your Personal Information (Data Protection)
17. Other Important Terms
18. Law and Jurisdiction

And the following Schedules:

1. Service Agreement
2. Model Cancellation Form

This document is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.

Once you have purchased access to the appropriate document folder click on the “Download Document” button below. You will be asked what you want to do with the file. It is recommended that you save the document to a location of your choice prior to viewing.

Architect's Terms and Conditions (Business to Consumer) is part of Business Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Business Documents for 1 year.

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