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Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment

January 2019

As an employer you must carry out a risk assessment of the desk or workstation of each of your employees. This assessment needs to look at the IT equipment each individual is using, but also the environment in which they are working.

The Health and Safety legislation covering workstations and Display Screen Equipment (DSE) was written back in 1992, however, the way we use computers has changed beyond all recognition since then. Accordingly, we have extensively updated the Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment Form template for carrying out workstation assessments. These assessments, known as DSE assessments, have been written to take account of the changes in computers and computer screens. The new assessment form takes into account flat screens that are now used regularly as well as wireless keyboards and mice. It also considers how your employees may be using laptops or tablets.

Of course, some elements of workstation health and safety remain the same. There is still a requirement to have proper lighting, heating and cooling of your employees’ working area and the desk height needs to be correct for the user – one size does not fit all.

As well as the DSE Risk Assessment Form the sub-folder contains a worked example version which demonstrates the type of issues to consider in your own workplace and a set of Guidance Notes on how to complete a DSE risk assessment in your workplace.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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