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Landlord’s Acknowledgement of Request for Consent to Underlet


This Landlord’s Acknowledgrment of Request for Consent to Underlet should be sent by a commercial property landlord to confirm receipt of the tenant’s request for landlord’s consent to grant an underlease of the whole of the property. An alternative template is available where the proposed underlease is of part only.

Landlords should refer to the Protocol for Applications for Consent to Assign or Sublet when handling an application for consent to underlet. The Protocol can be found at http://www.propertyprotocols.co.uk.

This letter should be sent within 5 working days of receipt of the tenant's application. The letter acknowledges receipt of the tenant’s application for consent and, optionally allows the landlord to request further information from the tenant. If there is a superior landlord, the letter makes optional reference to the need for them to be involved in the consent process.

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