Guidance on Employment, Self-Employment, and IR35
When engaging a person or company to provide services to your business, it is important to consider whether the individual worker providing those services has the status of an employee of your business, or is instead self-employed. It is also important to consider whether, in the case of a company used as an intermediary by that worker, the IR35 rules apply to the proposed engagement of that company.
The Government has proposed changes to the IR35 rules. It was, until mid-March 2020, intending to bring these changes into effect on 6 April 2020 but it has announced that, in the light of the Covid 19 outbreak, none of these changes will now come into effect until 6 April 2021, leaving businesses longer to prepare. Our Guidance Notes have been updated in accordance with the proposed changes to the IR35 rules and will be updated once the Finance Act is published if the changes made by the Act vary from the changes currently proposed .
These Guidance Notes on Employment, Self-employment and IR35 should also help to clarify what IR35 is and what impact it might have on your business. These Guidance Notes should provide a useful guide through the common misconceptions surrounding IR35.
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