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Health & Safety, Work Prohibited Without COSHH Assessment in the Workplace.

Work Prohibited Without COSHH Assessment

The employer must not carry out any work that is under his control which could expose anyone to any substance hazardous to health unless he has made a suitable and sufficient COSHH Assessment.

The employer may avoid the necessity of making and recording a detailed COSHH assessment if, before carrying out the work, he substitutes the substance hazardous to health by one that is not hazardous to the health of anyone exposed to it. For example, if water can be used instead of a harmful solvent for cleaning a component used in an assembly process the employer has no COSHH requirements to meet as regards using water but would have to make a COSHH assessment if he opts to use the solvent.

The employer must nevertheless make a COSHH assessment if, before carrying out the work, he substitutes one substance hazardous to health with one that is less hazardous to health.

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