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Roofing, Courier or Parcel Delivery and Mobile Car Valeting Companies

April 2017

This month Simply-Docs has created some new Environmental Policies to sit in the Environmental Documents Group. New policies have been written for those businesses involved in roofing, courier or parcel delivery and mobile car valeting.

If an environmental policy is used properly and regularly reviewed against actual performance it can be a very useful and necessary tool for your business. The policy can encourage the whole business to become more environmentally aware and efficient and can enable the business to stay within the applicable environmental laws. Environmental accidents that could result in liability may be avoided. A good environmental policy can also encourage cost savings due to the use of less raw materials and energy.

The new documents include both a Statement and a Policy. The Policy includes sections on:

  • the paper you use in your office;
  • your business consumables, such as cleaning materials or roofing batten;
  • the energy and water you use in your business activities and
  • efficient use of transportation between jobs.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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