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Short Term Licence for a Charity “Pop-Up” Shop in Self-Contained Retail Unit


This Short Term Licence for a Charity “Pop-Up” Shop in Self-Contained Retail Unit should be used where the owner of a shop wishes to allow a Charity to occupy the shop on a short-term basis to operate a retail business. This could allow the Charity to trade for a short period (e.g. selling Christmas cards or gifts in the run up to Christmas) to raise additional money for the Charity. Alternatively, it could allow the Charity to try selling a particular type of goods or a variety of new and/or second hand products (i.e. to supplement its other fundraising activities) for a short period, and then, if the Charity is successful, it could later take on these or other shop premises on a lease to run a retail business on an ongoing basis. The Licence is suitable for making any self-contained retail premises available to a Charity as a shop.

Before using this or any of the other two “Pop-Up” licences in this subfolder, you should read the accompanying guidance note in this subfolder on use of any of the "Pop-Up" Licences.

Clause 1 contains the definitions. The definition of Premises makes optional reference to a plan. It is recommended that a plan is included, showing the Premises edged red, so that the extent of the Premises is clear.

Clause 2 is the grant of the Licence.

Clause 3 contains the Licensee’s covenants. These cover payment of the licence fee and other outgoings, use, alterations and the Licensor’s right of entry.

Clause 4 contains a covenant by the Licensor to allow the Licensee to access the Premises via the Licensor’s adjoining land (if necessary).

Clause 5 deals with termination of the licence and includes optional termination rights (break clauses) for both parties.

Clause 6 contains standard clauses including a provision regarding service of notices.

Optional phrases / clauses are enclosed in square brackets. These should be read carefully and selected so as to be compatible with one another. Unused options should be removed from the document.

This Short Term Licence for a Charity “Pop-Up” Shop in Self-Contained Retail Unit is in open format. Either enter the requisite details in the highlighted fields or adjust the wording to suit your purposes.

Once you have purchased access to the appropriate document folder click on the “Download Document” button below. You will be asked what you want to do with the file. It is recommended that you save the document to a location of your choice prior to viewing.

Short Term Licence for a Charity “Pop-Up” Shop in Self-Contained Retail Unit is part of Property Documents. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Property Documents for 1 year.

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