Legacies to charities (Codicils to Wills)
A charity can provide the content of this Legacies to charities (Codicils to Wills) document to anyone wishing to include a donation to the charity by leaving a legacy under a Codicil to his/her existing Will.
It can assist in generating gifts being left to their charity under wills if the charity suggests wording to their donors/supporters which can be included in their Wills to create a legacy to the charity. Charities should always advise such donors/supporters to seek independent legal advice regarding the giving of any potential gift.
If instead of including a legacy under a Codicil to an existing Will, an individual proposes to include a legacy to the charity in his/her Will, the charity should not give the content of this document to him/her, but should instead give him/her the content of the accompanying Legacies to charities (Wills) document.
In practice, a charity may not know whether an individual will execute a Codicil to his/her Will to leave a legacy to the charity, or instead leave a legacy in his/her Will. Charities will therefore probably need to provide individuals with the content of both the Legacies to charities (Codicils to Wills) and the Legacies to charities (Wills) documents.
Before using this document, a charity should
Once you have purchased access to the appropriate document folder click on the “Download Document” button below. You will be asked what you want to do with the file. It is recommended that you save the document to a location of your choice prior to viewing.
Legacies to charities (Codicils to Wills) is part of Corporate. Just £35.00 + VAT provides unlimited downloads from Corporate for 1 year.