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Homeworker Package plus all Employment documents for only £35 + Vat

August 2010

The Homeworker documents can be used where either a new or existing employee will be working from home.

Employers may find that employing staff as Homeworkers reduces their overheads whilst employees are given a greater flexibility and the opportunity to work in more comfortable surroundings.

The Homeworker Employment Contract is drafted to ensure that Employers meet all of their legal obligations to their homeworking employees whilst ensuring that the work they receive is still of the standard that they might expect if the employee was in the office.

The Homeworking Letter can be used where the employer has an existing employment contract with the employee, and that employment contract does not cover homeworking. The Letter confirms a period of homeworking on a trial basis.

The Homeworker Risk Assessment Form is to be used when an employee starts a period of homeworking. Employers have a legal requirement to undertake a risk assessment of the homeworking environment in order to identify any potential hazards at the premises.

As an employer, you are obliged to:
- Identify any potential hazards
- Assess who may be harmed by them
- Review potential risks and consider how to prevent them
- Keep up to date records
- Implement any actions that arise from your risk assessment
- Review and update your risk assessment at regular intervals

Small businesses can conduct the risk assessment themselves; however larger businesses may want to seek the advice of a health and safety expert.

Employers are obliged to appoint a responsible person to carry out a fire risk assessment to identify possible fire risks and to take steps to minimise them.

This Homeworker Risk Assessment Form includes some suggested potential hazards and relevant questions. Additional potential hazards and questions should be added where necessary to reflect the specific circumstances of the homeworking environment.

The contents of this Newsletter are for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Independent legal advice should be sought in relation to any specific legal matter.

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